Bad Martha Beer donates $5,000 to the Island Food Pantry - The ... - Martha's Vineyard Times

Bad Martha Beer donates $5,000 to the Island Food Pantry - The ... - Martha's Vineyard Times
Bad Martha Beer master brewer Jacobi Reid, left, and operations manager Josh Flanders. Courtesy Island Food Pantry.

Bad Martha Brewing Co. recently announced that it is making a $5,000 donation to the Island Food Pantry to help them with their important mission to feed the hungry.

“We believe it is our privilege and responsibility to give back and help our local community,” said Jonathan Blum, CEO and co-founder of Bad Martha, according to a press release. “Since Bad Martha Brewing Co. was first launched,” Blum said of the Edgartown-based company, “our mission has been to not only create excellent craft beers, but to be a socially responsible company that puts community first by donating the first 10 percent of profits to hunger-relief charities where our beer is served. We’ve been a proud supporter of the Island Food Pantry over the years as the recipient of our hunger relief efforts on Martha’s Vineyard, because they help hundreds of local families and children in need of food throughout the year.”

In addition to donating a portion of profits to hunger-relief charities, Bad Martha Brewing helps the community by purchasing as many local ingredients as possible from Island farms to make its awardwinning craft beers. They also give local farmers their spent grains. Giving back through a variety of ways is the Do Good part of the Bad Martha Beer company motto: “Get Bad. Do Good.”

“The Island Food Pantry was thrilled to receive the significant donation of $5,000 from Bad Martha Brewing Co., and we applaud them for setting aside profits for hunger relief,” said Margaret Hannemann, the pantry’s coordinator. “We welcome them as a true partner. The Island Food Pantry has been able to provide groceries for over 400 individuals and families this year,” added Hannemann. For more information, visit