Livingston County News | New Springwater food pantry to host ... - The Livingston County News

Livingston County News | New Springwater food pantry to host ... - The Livingston County News

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The Springwater Community Food Pantry will officially open with a “Pantry Warming” and baked goods sale on Dec. 16 from 9 to 11 a.m. at 8148-C S Main St. After many months of discussions and understanding the real need of many community families to have a lifeline that provides food for their loved ones, the Hand-up Cupboard members of the United Methodist Church and volunteers from the Springwater Church of the Nazarene, with the help of Ann Ranieri, Director of the Sent by Ravens Food Pantry in Livonia, and through the generosity of Larry Gnau, owner of the property, the food pantry will soon be a reality.

Town Supervisor Deborah Babbitt-Henry has often stated that the town “needed this resource because so many of Springwater’s residents live below the poverty level and have few dollars to spend on wholesome food.” Through the town board’s efforts, a resolution was passed several months ago to amend the water and sewer regulations to allow for this type of operation.

Ranieri also confirmed that need when she met with people interested in establishing a pantry in the Springwater area several months ago and told them “many people from the area were traveling to Livonia to get necessary supplies from SBR or Food Link when the truck was at their site.”

Ranieri worked with Teresa Langhorn, newly elected director of the Springwater pantry and her committee members to work out the logistics, and will continue her support while the pantry is in its infancy.

Babbitt-Henry has already stated she is “willing to have a donation box set up at the Town Hall for visitors to drop off donations of canned food and boxed food items.”

Churches in the area have also expressed their willingness to assist the committee. It is anticipated that eventually local farmers will also share their abundance with the pantry allowing the clients to have fresh vegetables and fruits as part of their regular diets.

The pantry warming will allow the community to see the new establishment and if anyone is in need there will be items available for them to select. Pre-registration will take place that day so clients can easily move through the process when they come in. Regular business hours begin in January 2018. Volunteers will man the pantry and emergency needs can be met by calling Teresa Langhorn at (585) 245-1223. The baked goods sale will help to offset the expense of insurance and utilities, and donations of baked goods are being sought.

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