Corry police skip tickets, seek food pantry aid - News - ... -

Corry police skip tickets, seek food pantry aid - News - ... -

The program permits officers to give out donation requests instead of citations, with no obligation for receivers to give.

CORRY — Members of the city police force are setting aside their ticket books this holiday season to help feed needy families in the community.

A program launched at the start of December called the "Corry City Police Against Hunger Campaign" allows officers on routine patrol to skip writing citations for minor traffic or parking violations, and instead issue warnings along with a request for donations for the Corry Area Food Pantry.

Motorists who receive a donation flier are under no obligation to make a food or monetary donation, Corry Police Chief Rich Shopene said. But the hope is that they will consider giving a little something to help their neighbors in need.

The food pantry serves between 325 and 375 families, or about 1,200 people, through its monthly food distribution program, said its chairman, Dick Lowe.

"It's a good idea. Anything that can bring food into the food pantry is welcome," Lowe said.

Corry police got the idea for the donation program from Bob Williams, publisher of the Corry Journal newspaper, who brought to the attention of Shopene a similar program that started earlier this year in St. Marys, the chief said. He said he talked to Williams and to St. Marys Police Chief Tom Nicklas, a Corry Area High School graduate, and put together the program to assist the food pantry.

Nicklas said one of his officers learned about a toy collection program run by a law enforcement agency in Texas, in which those caught committing minor traffic violations were given fliers asking them to consider donating a toy. He said the St. Marys Police Department set up a similar program to collect toys for Project Gifts for Elk County, and the officers began passing out fliers a week before Thanksgiving.

"We still have a responsibility to enforce traffic safety, so it's not automatic that you won't get a citation. If there's a significant violation, you're still getting a citation," Nicklas said.

He said the response from the community has been good, and the department has collected a large number of toys that are piling up in a corner behind his secretary's desk.

"They're about ready to push her out of the office," Nicklas said.

Shopene said he set up Corry's program to involve not just minor traffic violations, but parking violations.

"We're looking at minor violations, stuff that is not serious or safety related. Anything safety related, accident related, obviously you're going to get cited. Driving without a license or insurance, you're going to get cited. If you're going a little over the speed limit, or you roll through a stop sign, you'll probably get a flier," he said.

Shopene said the department also opened up the program to anyone who wants to make a donation. Food and monetary donations can be made at the Corry police station on East South Street, with checks made payable to the Corry Area Food Pantry.

"It's something (the officers) can do to help show that we are not just out there to write people tickets and citations," Shopene said. "In this time of year, everyone can use a little extra in their pocket. By not paying citations and tickets, hopefully they can find it in their hearts to donate a little back to the food pantry."

Tim Hahn can be reached at 870-1731 or by email. Follow him on Twitter at

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