Seniors First launches pantry for weekend meals - Auburn Journal

Seniors First launches pantry for weekend meals - Auburn Journal

Many seniors in Placer County live without knowing where their next hot meal will come from. That’s why Seniors First is stepping up their game.

The program already offers Senior Cafés for active seniors to come and socialize, Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors and MyMeals for those who don’t quite meet the senior qualifications.

Now, they are adding a pantry to their location to offer canned goods to help seniors get through the weekend or the end of the month.

“We have a huge need in Placer County,” Senior Nutrition Program Manager Dawn Marie Pesola said.

This is the first year that Seniors First is hosting a canned food drive, after hearing from participants that they need a little extra help on the weekends.Meals on Wheels only delivers on Monday to Friday, so having a pantry can help supplement that on the weekends.

They have been collecting for a few weeks, and plan to do so through the winter and beyond to help increase the seniors’ meals.

“When seniors see us, sometimes that is the only hot meal they will have that day,” Development Director Stephanie Vierstra said.

They are encouraging groups, clubs or churches to do canned food drives to help the older population in the community.

Seniors First has about 400 meals served a day during the week, and they were approached many times about helping on the weekend.

“The food insecurity in this county is huge,” Pesola said.

The way the program is set up, volunteers can deliver a bag of food on Fridays, along with their regularly scheduled hot meal.

“I think it’s a great way for people to make a difference in the lives of seniors in our community,” said Vierstra.

Seniors First is looking for soup, vegetables, chili, fruit or items with protein like beans or tuna.

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