SACK HUNGER: Murphysboro Food Pantry - WSIL TV

SACK HUNGER: Murphysboro Food Pantry - WSIL TV

MURPHYSBORO -- There are only a few weeks left in our Sack Hunger food drive and this week we are supporting pantries in Harrisburg and Murphysboro. 

Five days a week, Murphysboro Food Pantry opens its doors to help fill hungry bellys.    

"It helps me. It helps my parents. It helps my family, They get on hard times and can't get food until the end of the month," said resident Ashley Fisher. 

Fisher said the cost of living now-a-days makes it harder for families to regularly buy groceries. 

"The way everything is going up and then food prices are also going up. It's harder to raise a family on one income." 

The pantry serves all of Jackson County. Half of the families come from Murphysboro and 45 percent come from Carbondale.

Director Megan Austin has ideas to bring some new programs around nutrition to help families.

"I'm hoping that I can put some education components to the pantry because I believe that's something that all pantries need," added Austin. 

Austin started at the pantry in September. She said meeting the people that come in has created a deeper passion to help families in her hometown.    

"I just want to serve my community," said Austin. 

She said the pantry is supported by the St. Louis Food Bank, but donations from the public helps them keep the shelves full. Last year, volunteers fed almost 37,000 people.  Fisher encourages anyone in need of food to not be afraid to reach out for help.

"Your name don't get out in public, Just come it doesn't hurt anybody it actually helps everybody," added Fisher. 

This pantry is open Monday-Friday from 9-11 a.m. The game kicks off at 7 p.m. 

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