Florence High School collecting items for the Husky Pantry on Oct. 21 - Canon City Daily Record

Florence High School collecting items for the Husky Pantry on Oct. 21 - Canon City Daily Record

FHS will be collecting items for the Husky Pantry on Oct. 21

The freshman class of Florence High School will be collecting items for the Husky Pantry from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Florence Chamber of Commerce, located at 116 N. Pikes Peak Ave. in Florence. Organizers say the pantry is in dire need as some students are going home hungry and also need hygiene products. Others are taking showers at the school because of their home lives. Once collected, the bags will be assembled and the pantry stocked.

Items needed include gallon-size zip lock baggies, washcloths, travel-size soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, men's and women's deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, q-tips, cotton balls, male and female razors, shaving cream, men's and women's socks, combs and brushes. They also need peanut butter and jelly, canned tuna and chicken, cereal, shelf stable milk and juice, canned soups, pasta meals(individual), granola bars, fruit snacks and crackers.

BLM plans nine pile burns in eastern Colorado

The Bureau of Land Management is preparing to conduct pile burns in nine locations this winter. The specific locations of the pile burns are listed below.


Depending on weather and fuel moisture conditions, the pile burns could begin in October and continue into March 2018. The objective of the pile burns is to remove the slash left behind from timber harvests and previous fuels, thinning treatments. These timber harvests and fuels treatments remove beetle-killed timber and other fuels, reducing the risk of future catastrophic wildfire. They also help create various stages of plant succession, which is critical to the health of fire-adapted ecosystems.

Smoke from the pile burns will be visible throughout the day of the burn, mostly during the warmest part of the day. With cooler temperatures in the evening, smoke may linger and accumulate in low-lying areas.

According to the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, "Prescribed fire smoke may affect your health. For more information see http://ift.tt/2cYJnE8."

For additional information, contact Matt Norden, Fire Operations Specialist, 719-269-8583, at the BLM Rocky Mountain District Front Range Fire and Aviation Management Unit in Cañon City.

— Hole in the Rock - 2,400 piles. Legal Location: T16S / R70W / S 7. Piles are hand piles and the surrounding fuel type is Ponderosa Pine, Piñon Pine, Juniper and Gambel Oak. The burn is located north of Cañon City off of County Road 11 and east of the High Park Subdivision.

— Whiskey - 4,000 piles. Legal Location: T16S / R71W / S 8, 9. Piles are large hand piles and the surrounding fuel type is Ponderosa Pine, Piñon Pine, Juniper and grass. The burn is located 6.5 miles southwest of Cripple Creek, south of CR 11 and west of the High Park Subdivision.

— Likely Gulch - 2,000 piles. Legal Location: T20S / R73W / S 5, 6. Piles are hand piles and the surrounding fuel type is Piñon Pine, Juniper and Ponderosa Pine. The burn is located south of Texas Creek off of Colo. 69 and Road Gulch.

— Stoney Face - 30 piles. Legal Location: T50N / R11E / S 3, 10. Piles are machine piles and surrounding fuel type is Engelmann Spruce and Aspen. The burn is located 15 miles north of Cotopaxi on the north side of Stoney Face Mountain, near Firebox Road.

— Turkey Gulch - 55 piles. Legal Location: T20S / R73W / S 15. Piles are a combination of hand and machine piles. The surrounding fuel type is Piñon Pine and Juniper with scattered Ponderosa Pine. The burn is located 15 miles southwest of Cañon City, 4 miles east of Colo. 69 and west of the Copper Gulch area.

— North Cotopaxi - 467 piles. Legal Location: T49N / R12E / S 19, 31. Piles are a combination of hand and machine piles. The surrounding fuel type is Piñon, Juniper, Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir. There are three separate locations with piles. The burn is located 5 miles north of Cotopaxi, east of the Spruce Basin subdivision, and on both sides of CR12.

— Thompson Mountain - 35 piles. Legal Location: T17S / R71W / S 6. Piles are machine piles with a surrounding fuel type of Ponderosa Pine, Piñon Pine, Juniper, and Gambel Oak. The burn is located 13 miles northwest of Cañon City, 2 miles east of Colo. 9, and in the Deer Haven area near Thompson Mountain.

Deer Mountain Fire to host family fun night

Deer Mountain Fire will host trick or treating at 5 p.m. Oct. 28 at the station, located at 6181 CR 28. Additionally, the Red Suspenders will have its annual food and fun, at the same time, which will include chili, cornbread, a cake walk and pie judging contest. For more information, call 719-942-9610.

Daily Record Staff