North Georgia elementary school helps feed hungry with outdoor pantry - WTVC

North Georgia elementary school helps feed hungry with outdoor pantry - WTVC

Parent Heather Oxendine helps stack and organize the new outdoor food pantry at Stone Creek Elementary. (Image: WTVC)

Serving the community - that's what Stone Creek Elementary school is now doing.

They're providing food to families who need it.

School counselor Lance Sells tells us more than half of the students at Stone Creek have some sort of financial or food need, and they don't always know where their next meal will come from.

To use the pantry, you can be a student, a teacher or just live in that community.

Basically, if you need something to eat - go there.

All the items are non-perishable and free for anyone who needs it.

All of this possible because of second grade teacher Christy Willhoit and her handy father.

"My dad actually made it," said Willhoit. "He loves building [and] woodworking. So, I asked him If he'd be willing to do it, and he was all about it."

She says they placed the pantry behind Stone Creek on purpose.

"We did put it in the back of the school just so there wouldn't be any embarrassment issues. People are free to come and don't have to worry about being seen," Willhoit added.

She says so far, it's been great because it helps fill a huge need at the school.

"School wide - we are a high poverty school," Willhoit said.

The small wooden box, full of food, helps the hungry while teaching others the importance of giving back.

"I think it's good that our school has this program because not a lot of kids get as much food, or are as well like as much as all of us, so I think it's good that we do this," said Emily Livers, 4th grade student.