First Baptist Academy students help stock food pantry shelves - Belleville News-Democrat

First Baptist Academy students help stock food pantry shelves - Belleville News-Democrat

O’Fallon District 90

District Notes

The monthly board of education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17 at the district office, located at 118 E. Washington St.

Second quarter school report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, Jan. 9.

For the month of January, the Character Education word is “self-control,” which focuses on students learning and/or exhibiting having control over his or her thoughts and actions by making good choices. It will be represented by the color light purple or lilac.

Amelia Carriel Jr. High

The next Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10.

From 3-4 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 10 “Homework Help” will be available to the students if needed. The next one is slated for 3 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12.

Edward Fulton Jr. High

The Fulton PTO meets at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10 in the school library.

Any boys and girls interested in trying out for the bowling team need to pick up a try-out form from the office, as try-outs are slated for January 10-11.

Third quarter Comic Book Club will be starting in January, which is a group that meets once a week during students’ lunch hour. Students get to play a variety of board and card games, as well as discuss fun topics like super heroes, Pokemon and Minecraft. If you already attend, no need to sign up, but if students haven’t signed up he or she needs to do so in the school office when school resumes Thursday, Jan. 5.

From 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 6, a “Welcome 2017 Dance” will be held for all grades. Permission slips will be given out when school resumes on Thursday, Jan. 5. Admission will be $5 and concessions will be available.

LaVerna Evans Elementary

The next PTO meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10.

Delores Moye Elementary

The Moye PTO meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12.

Marie Schaefer Elementary

The Schaefer PTO meets at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12 in the school library.

O’Fallon District 104

District Notes

The monthly board of education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 9 at the district office, located at 303 Hartman Lane, in the building next to Central Elementary in O’Fallon.

On Friday, Jan. 6, report cards will be sent home with all Central School District 104 students, and it is also the day of the district Spelling Bee.

Beginning at 6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20 the Central and Joseph Arthur Middle School (JAMS) PTO meets in the Central school cafeteria.

Central Elementary

Each year, the Central PTO organizes a special holiday event for the students that allow them to shop for their family members. This event not only brings joy to many of the student’s faces when they get to shop for their family, but excitement when those family members open that sweet gift the child has so carefully picked out, according to Tiffany Owens, Joseph Arthur Middle School fifth-grade teacher.

“As a parent, these little gifts aren’t really about what you get, but how special it is for the kids to learn the concept of giving,” Owens said.

Kids can shop at the PTO Annual Santa’s Kottage during the school day, or even come in with their family during the evening. It’s all topped off with a complimentary breakfast for families during the annual Breakfast With Santa event the weekend before school lets out for winter holiday break.

Walk in for PARCC Night is slated to take place on Thursday, Jan. 19.

O’Fallon District 203

School Board

The monthly board of education meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the O’Fallon Township High School, Smiley campus.

O’Fallon Township High School

The OTHS Show Choir Preview Night is slated starting at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1 at the Milburn campus auditorium.

A Show Choir Competition Clinic is scheduled from 2 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3 at the Milburn campus auditorium.

Private schools

St. Clare Catholic School

At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 9, the school administrators will meet for monthly school board committee meetings.

First Baptist Academy

The O’Fallon Food Pantry can always use donations, so First Baptist Academy had a mission in November to help. The students did odd jobs around the house, and the fifth-grade class held a bake sale, raising $291.54. In total, students raised around $1,600. On Friday, Dec. 9, classes took a field trip to Schnucks and bought needed food for the pantry with the money raised. First Baptist Academy’s National Honor Society and Student Council then delivered the food to the food pantry.

College News

Local students earn scholarships to Culver-Stockton

Four local students have admitted into Culver-Stockton’s fall 2017 incoming class and earned scholarships.

Sarah Kurtz of O’Fallon has gained admission was awarded the Hilltop Academic Scholarship and plans to pursue a major in nursing.

Melyssa Brown of O’Fallon was awarded the Promise Academic Scholarship and plans to pursue a major in nursing.

Carlos Wells of Shiloh was awarded the Promise Academic Scholarship and plans to pursue a major in undecided.

Jordan Richardson of O’Fallon was awarded the Trustees Academic Scholarship and plans to pursue a major in business.

Culver-Stockton College, located in Canton, Mo., is a four-year residential institution in affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). C-SC specializes in experiential education and is one of only two colleges in the nation to offer the 12/3 semester calendar, where the typical 15 week semester is divided into two terms, a 12-week term and a 3-week term.

O’Fallon student graduates with distinction from WIU

On Friday, Dec. 16 Academic Honors Convocation was held in Western Hall will honor college, departmental and honors scholars and students who earned academic distinction throughout their Western Illinois University careers. Students received a medallion for each honor, which they wore at commencement ceremonies.

Approximately 10 percent of graduating seniors achieve academic distinction, which is designed as summa cum laude, highest academic distinction, with a minimum grade point average of 3.90; magna cum laude, high academic distinction, with a GPA of 3.75-3.89; and cum laude, academic distinction, with a GPA between 3.60-3.74.

Alexandria Karbach, political science major, was an Honors Scholar, graduating with academic distinction, cum laude.

O’Fallon students make dean’s list at Belmont University

Melanie DeMonge, Madison Hays and Brianna Holko, all of O’Fallon, achieved the dean’s list at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., for the fall 2016 semester.

Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C. Approximately 30 percent of Belmont’s 7,700 students qualified for dean’s list.

Belmont Provost Dr. Thomas Burns said, “This achievement for the fall semester indicates that these students have placed a high priority on their work at Belmont and have invested time and energy in their studies. It is our strong belief that consistent application in this manner will reap great benefits, which will equip them for a lifetime of learning and growing.”

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