EASY COUPONING: Keeping pantry organized helps with meal planning - Maryville Daily Times

EASY COUPONING: Keeping pantry organized helps with meal planning - Maryville Daily Times

With all of the shopping sales this week, take the time to review the items in your pantry and make room to organize everything with meal planning.

Rotation of your pantry is essential in keeping your items from becoming outdated before you use the product. Keep the newest item in the back and make sure the item with the oldest date is up front and easily obtainable.

Just a side note, when purchasing items for your stockpile make sure when you are in the store to review the date on the item. You do not want to buy for your pantry and be surprised that your product is expiring soon. Additionally, do not purchase items that have dents, cracks, bulging or rust.

Know your inventory and try to keep 40-50 different items available within your stockpile. You want to have a variety of food items so you can produce a meal together anytime. This helps with unnecessary impulse purchases; in turn, this will assist you on household budget.

Ask for rainchecks to maximize your purchasing power when products are out of stock. The rainchecks give you the opportunity to plan your purchases and give you extra time to matchup coupons that may have not been available at the time. You can match up the rainchecks to your budget or paychecks during the time span within the raincheck.

As you save money with couponing, make sure you take advantage of your savings with the 52-week money saving plan. This is the 38th week of the year; you would place $38 into your savings program. This would leave a new savings balance of $741 toward your year-end goal of $1,378.

Mix and Match buy four and save $4 event.

Reese’s Peanut butter cups snack size event price $1.99, Smart Source 08-06 $1/2, Final Price: $1.49 each.

Ken’s Salad dressing event price $1.49, Smart Source 08-27 $1/2, Final Price: 99 cents.

Tide Simple Laundry Detergent event price $2.99, Red Plum 09-10 $1, Final Price: $1.99.

Gain Fabric Softener event price $3.49, Red Plum 09-10 $3, Final Price: 49 cents.

Kool-Aid, Country Time or Tang event price $1.49, Smart Source 07-30 $1/2, Final Price: 99 cents.

Nature Valley or Fiber One Bars event price $1.99, Smart Source 08-06 50 cents/2, Final Price: $1.74 each.

Snyder’s of Hanover Pretzels event price $1.99, Smart Source 07-30 $1/2, Final Price: $1.49 each.

Nabisco Snack Crackers event price $1.49, Smart Source 08-13 75 cents/2, Final Price: $1.12 each.

Crest Pro Health 3D White Toothpaste event price $1.99, Smart Source 09-17 $2, Final Price: Free.

Stonyfield Organic YoKids Pouch $1, Smart Source 08-20 B1G1, Final Price: 50 cents each.

Sargento Cheese event price $1.49, Smart Source 08-27 40 cents/2, Final Price: $1.29 each.

Quaker Oats Instant event price $1.49, Red Plum 09-26 $1/2, Final Price: 99 cents.

Tidy Cats Lightweight Litter $11.99, Smart Source 07-30 $2, Final Price: $9.99.

Land O Frost Premium $3.59, Smart Source 08-27 50 cents, Final Price: $3.09.

Glad Tall Kitchen Bags $8.99, with purchase receive one free Clorox Disinfecting Wipes.

Whole White Mushrooms 8-ounce package 69 cents.

Cantaloupe 99 cents each

Coke Products three for $9

Post Honey Bunches Cereal $1.99, Smart Source 09-18 $1/2, Final Price: $1.49 each.

Welch’s Natural Juice two for $4, use two coupons from Red Plum 09-10 $1, Final Price: $1 each.

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