Shepherd's Pantry has vision, purpose - The Daily Iberian

Shepherd's Pantry has vision, purpose - The Daily Iberian

The Shepherd’s Food Pantry may not be as large or as old as some other food pantries in the Teche Area, but for the 120 families it serves every month it is a lifesaver.

“Shepherd’s Food Pantry is really a vision and a purpose from the Lord to love people, not only through giving groceries, but through any way we can,” said Rev. Zack Mitchell Sr., founder of the nonprofit and pastor of the Word of Hope Church on Admiral Doyle Drive. “People come here to eat, but they have other needs as well.”

The Shepherd’s Food Pantry is one of nine agencies in Iberia Parish featured in this year’s Help the Helpers, a campaign spearheaded by The Daily Iberian to encourage giving to local groups that help the needy all year round.

The food pantry started 15 years ago, when Mitchell was the pastor at the Interfaith Fellowship Church.

“The operation moved out from under that church and now the pantry is under Word of Hope,” Mitchell said. “But soon I hope it will be striking out to be on its own.”

Funding for the outreach effort comes from grants, contributions from area churches and private donations, Mitchell said. The manpower is also donated.

“We have about nine volunteers, but it can vary from day to day,” Mitchell said. “Depending on the event, that nine can blow up to 20. The Thanksgiving event when we fed the community, for example, had like 35 volunteers.”

The operation currently operates out of a building at the corner of Jane and North streets in New Iberia.

“We store food there and distribute food from there,” Mitchell said. “We also go to grocery stores and purchasing groceries for those that come and are in need.”

Mitchell acknowledged that Shepherd’s Food Pantry doesn’t have the same reach as some other local nonprofits, but it serves as a link in the community to those other charities.

“We have some great organizations in our community,” Mitchell said. “If someone’s needs are outside of our scope, we can point them to other great organizations in our community where they can get help.”

Cash or check donations for Help the Helpers can be brought to The Daily Iberian office at the corner of Main and Lewis streets or mailed to Help the Helpers at The Daily Iberian, P.O. Box 9290, New Iberia, LA 70562. Checks should be made to Help the Helpers.

Contributions can be marked for a specific participating Help the Helpers organization or can be divided among all nine. Donors’ names will be published by the newspaper in an Honor Roll listing.

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