OSHKOSH, Wis. (WBAY) – You’ve probably seen or heard about those Little Free Libraries for sharing books. An Oshkosh church is using that idea to help the hungry.
Peace Lutheran Church, 240 W 9th Ave, is holding a grand opening for its Little Free Pantry Sunday, Dec. 11 at 9:45 a.m.
Here’s how it works: the pantry is a mounted box with a door that is available 24/7. It provides easy-access to people who are in need of food or personal care items. There’s no need to make an appointment or meet requirements to get something from the Little Free Pantry.
“What’s unique about the Little Free Pantry is that it allows people to remain anonymous. Those who take things don’t need to worry about the shame that sometimes accompanies being in need, and those who supply the Pantry can do so without putting the focus on themselves or what they are doing. Between these two dynamics, a sense of community emerges as people can both support and be supported by their neighbors in a very real way,” says Molly Smiltneek, Peace Christian Preschool Board President and Peace Lutheran Church member.
The church says donations can be left in the Little Free Pantry at any time. They need food, personal care items (think hygiene products), and gift cards. Cash donations should be dropped off inside the office.
The pantry is located on the 8th Ave side of the church.
The Free Little Pantry has been in use since November 2. The church says it needs to be restocked almost daily.
The Little Free Pantry idea was started by Jessica McClard of Fayetteville, AR. It has since spread nationwide.
For more information about Peace Lutheran’s Little Free Pantry, click this link: http://ift.tt/2h4PXK4
It’s a collaboration with Peace Christian Preschool and The 8th Day Project.