Healthier Community Pantry opens to Columbiana County residents ... - WFMJ

Healthier Community Pantry opens to Columbiana County residents ... - WFMJ
LISBON, Ohio -

It's a stop Scott Ingram of East Liverpool has been making the last three months.  He travels to Lisbon to gather much needed food at the Healthier Community Pantry.

"They are giving burger, cheese, venison.  I mean it is really a nice pantry to come to.  It is like a little miniature store in there," said Ingram.

Thanks to a $524,000 Healthier Buckeye Grant, that was secured by three agencies in Columbiana County, residents are able to pick up items that will help them at home.  Since October, more than 900 people have come through the line gathering non-perishables and meat, even pet food.

"It was really creating a food pantry that is open for the entire community.  It is open four days a week and we have staff here and we have choices from just your regular food pantry to healthier choices, gluten free, organic foods," said CEO Thomas Andrews with Community Action Agency.

Not only is the pantry providing food to people living in Columbiana County, it is also providing important job skills training through a job mentoring program.

"The job mentoring is designed to those who are in most need of job skills.  So, those could be coming through maybe the court system that are in need of some community service work.  This provides them additional job skills training.  At risk young can also come into the program," said community service department director Marti Grimm.

The grant, which allows the pantry to purchase specialty items like gluten free and whole grain products, as well as pay for the the job mentoring program will expire in June.  The hope is that Community Action Agency will be able to generate funds to continue the program beyond summertime.

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