Framingham food pantry delays reopening - Wicked Local Framingham

Framingham food pantry delays reopening - Wicked Local Framingham

FRAMINGHAM — Paul Mina wants you to know his cell phone number.

Mina, president and CEO of the United Way of Tri-County, is circulating his personal contact information this week in hopes of reaching families who are affected by the temporary closure of the Pearl Street Cupboard and Café.

The combination food pantry and community kitchen moved at the end of November to a new spot across the street from its longtime home on Pearl Street.

While staff hoped to open the newly-renovated space Monday, Mina said it must temporarily remain shuttered as construction wraps up. The United Way now anticipates opening the pantry once again on Dec. 19.

“Most of the work is done,” he said Thursday. “We’re actually hoping that all of the inspections will be completed by the end of this week.”

In the meantime, Mina encourages those who rely on the pantry to get in touch with him if they struggle to find food while the facility remains closed.

“We are truly sorry to postpone the opening of the pantry and café by another week,” he said in an announcement. “Our pantry clients needing food can call me on my cell at 508-561-5811 and I will make certain they receive the food assistance they need. No one will go hungry.”

Pearl Street, the fourth largest food pantry in Massachusetts, serves some 4,000 families each year. Clients are permitted to visit once per month to receive a week's worth of food, including canned goods, dairy products, meat or fish.

On the other side of the operation, the cafe serves hot meals Tuesday and Thursday nights, providing food for an average of about 200 people per night.

The United Way was prompted to relocate from its facility on Pearl Street after the building was sold to a new owner. The organization purchased 46 Park St., which already houses its administrative office.

Work is now underway to renovate the first floor, which was previously occupied for many years by the state Department of Developmental Disabilities. Construction crews knocked down walls, removed cubicles and installed a commercial kitchen, moving plumbing and bringing in gas and water lines to finish the job.

At three times the size of its former kitchen, the new cooking space will allow the United Way to increase educational programs, such as healthy cooking lessons for families on a budget, Mina said.

The pantry is set to resume its regular hours Dec. 19. It will open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and Wednesday evenings from 5-7.

The Café will resume serving hot meals Dec. 20. Meals are offered Tuesday and Thursday nights, from 5:30-7:30.

While the pantry is closed, Mina said the organization is distributing food from its warehouse on a case-by-case basis.

“If anybody needs food, they can just call the number and we make sure they get it,” he said.

Jim Haddadin can be reached at 617-863-7144 or Follow him on Twitter: @JimHaddadin.

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