Bearcats Pantry Is Stocked to Help Students in Need - University of Cincinnati

Bearcats Pantry Is Stocked to Help Students in Need - University of Cincinnati

As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches, the UC community is helping students in need via a Bearcats Pantry and a meal swipe donation program.

Date: 11/3/2016 12:00:00 AM
By: M.B. Reilly
Phone: (513) 556-1824
Photos By: Jay Yocis

UC ingot   The University of Cincinnati community is seeking to further support students who might be in need by way of a newly expanded Bearcats Pantry as well as a new meal-swipe donation program.

Food items in the Bearcats Pantry
Students prepare the Bearcats Pantry for its opening on Nov. 4.

Added momentum will be given these efforts – involving UC’s Division of Student Affairs, Student Government, and Graduate Student Governance Association – on Nov. 4.

That’s when a newly expanded Bearcats Pantry will open in French Hall West and when a new meal swipe donation program will begin, according to Daniel Cummins, assistant dean of students.

The new food panty builds on a previous effort in the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences and expands option for students who might experience food and other insecurity.

Said Cummins, “Such pantries are found on campuses nationally, and they stem from the fact that today, a college education is accessible to a broader array of society. Just as we have food programs in our elementary and high schools to meet the needs of all students, we are seeking to similarly meet the needs of all students on our campus. That includes greater food security so no one goes hungry.”

The food pantry is located in Room 2158 French Hall West, and access is available by stopping at the second-floor Math and Science Support (MASS) Center front desk, at 2133 French Hall West. Both the desk and the pantry are open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday thru Friday.

Students can pick up food, hygiene products and cleaning supplies in the pantry. In addition, pre-packed bags of food will be available in several colleges and units, including 24/7 access at UC Public Safety, 3 Edwards Center. Students may access the supplies located at college locations by contacting designated faculty and/or advisors in the

  • UC Blue Ash College (Academic Advising Office)
  • College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (Student Affairs Office, Room 5470)
  • College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (Student Services Center, Room 350 Teachers-Dyer)
  • College of Engineering, and Applied Science (Room 665 Baldwin Hall, Suite 1)
  • College of Nursing
  • College of Pharmacy

Go online ( for directions to the food pantry and to see a map denoting the satellite locations of pre-packed food bags in the colleges and in Public Safety.

Each bag will also contain information on resources in the community, such as community food pantries as well as assistance with rent, bills, jobs and medical care. Students picking up a pre-packed food bag are asked to fill out a survey in order to identify further needs related to food and housing.

Mitchell Phelps, UC student body president, explained, “The purpose of having pre-packed bags in locations around campus as well as the Bearcats Pantry is to make access easier for students in need.”

Food items in the Bearcats Pantry
Students prepare the Bearcats Pantry for its opening on Nov. 4.

Since students often rely on their Bearcats card to swipe and pay for meals in campus eateries, students who may not use all their meal swipes can now donate one meal swipe per semester to help fellow students in need. The donated meal swipes are collected and transformed into food vouchers that students in need can then use at campus dining halls. 
  • Dates and times to donate meal swipes will be announced early in the spring term. 
  • Obtain a food voucher by contacting Daniel Cummins at 513-556-5064; or e-mail

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