SIUC's "Take a Bite Out of Hunger Food Drive” is scheduled to kick off at the Salukis game against the University of South Dakota on Saturday, Nov. 5.
Food and money donated at the game will go to the Saluki Food Pantry, and anyone who brings a minimum of five non-perishable food items or five toiletries, or donates at least $5 will receive a ticket for a special drawing that will take place at the game.
The winner of that drawing will receive a Saluki-Banterra gift basket that includes four club-level tickets for the Nov. 19 SIU football game against Western Illinois.
Food donations will be accepted from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the entrance to Saluki Row near the National Guard vehicle.
All food items and cash donations go to the Saluki Food Pantry, located in the lower level of the SIU Student Center.
Students currently enrolled at SIUC can visit the pantry once a month to get food items and other essential toiletries.
The food pantry opened in August and since then more than 300 students and their immediate family members have received assistance.
Find more information about the Saluki Food Pantry, its schedule of operation and information about making online monetary donations click here.
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