Little Food Pantry brings assistance to people in Derby - KSN-TV

Little Food Pantry brings assistance to people in Derby - KSN-TV

DERBY, Kan. (KSNW) – You’ve seen Little Libraries–the cabinets where you can leave a book or take a book, but now one Derby business is adding a twist, bringing the Little Food Pantry to the area.

“It’s just basically a cabinet where people who have extra, they can drop some off and people who don’t have enough can pick some up,” said Jennifer Gaylord, standing next to the pantry. “It’s that simple” The effort has taken off–already full after just a couple weeks outside Sage Sister’s Massage Therapy. Gaylord says she got the idea after seeing something similar on social media. “She just had one out in her front yard, and I just thought wow–that’s really cool, I would love to do that and I didn’t know if there was any need for it in our community or what kind of support we would get, but it’s been really amazing.”

She felt compelled to do something simple to help out those who just need a little assistance. “I’ve been a single mom and so sometimes it’s hard to, if you need a little bit of help,” Gaylord said. “It’s hard to get there when you need to be there, it’s hard to provide them whatever they need and sometimes it’s just embarrassing.”

The response has been promising, not just from those planning to give or those who need to receive, but also to the potential of it to spread. Joni Curl from Arkansas City says that once she noticed it, she wanted to bring it back to her own town. “I think they should definitely…I’m taking it back to Ark City the idea and we’ll just see what happens,” she said. “I have some great friends that are business owners and I work for one so, we can make this happen everywhere.”

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