Alabama college student turns dorm room into food pantry - FOX 5 Atlanta

Alabama college student turns dorm room into food pantry - FOX 5 Atlanta

- An Alabama A&M University student decided to turn his on-campus dorm room into the headquarters of his donation-based food pantry. 

"I noticed that there were some students that said they were going to bed hungry," said Justin Franks. "So, I thought about it and said, 'What can I give back to my community?'"

Franks said he started the pantry on just $45.

"I started with pretty much just noodles and Capri Suns and I had a few household products like tissue and water."

It's now packed with items such as fruit juices, coups, canned food items, chips and instant noodles.

Franks posted his venture on Facebook, and the story has since been shared hundreds of times. 

"I didn't think it would get shared that much, but people really cared about our students and Alabama A&M University." 

So far, Franks has helped nearly 100 students. Those in need are able to get up to three items twice a week.

"To me, it just makes me feel like I'm blessing someone," he said. "I'm a religious person and I feel like I can bless a student. Some nights, students will be like 'Man, I really appreciate this because I didn't have anything to eat.'"

Franks is already training someone else to make sure the pantry can continue long after he's graduated. 

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