2016 Pack the Pantry starts October 10th! - KTAL

2016 Pack the Pantry starts October 10th! - KTAL

'Pack the Pantry' food drive kicks off October 10th! Steve sat down with Gene Haynes, Community Coordinator with the Food Bank of NWLA, to go over the details of the elementary, middle, and high school food drive competition.

Last year 40 different schools helped raise over 67,000 pounds of food for those in Northwest Louisiana. The winning school will be based on weight of food per student. 

All food must be delivered to the Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana 2307 Texas Ave., Shreveport, LA 71103 no later than 3:30 p.m. on Wed. Nov. 16.

Prizes include:

 1st Prize $1,000 (for each high school, middle school, & elementary school)

2nd Prize $750 (for each high school, middle school, & elementary school)

3rd Prize $500 (for each high school, middle school, & elementary school)

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