Smokey's Pantry Feeds UT, Knoxville -

Smokey's Pantry Feeds UT, Knoxville -

Next month Smoky’s Pantry, in association with Tyson House, will be holding a food drive for the University of Tennessee and the Knoxville community, providing food and hygiene products to those in need.

The pantry is asking for non-perishable food items like peanut butter, bottled water and canned goods, along with hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toilet paper and deodorant.

Rachel Durham, a co-director for Smoky’s Pantry, sees the event as a way to help anyone who may be struggling to make ends meet.

“Smokey's Pantry is open to all UT students, faculty, staff and Knoxville community members,” Durham said. “It was founded to relieve the burden that food insecurities cast upon many community members. By keeping the donations local, we hope students will be able to see the impact they can create, especially in the drive to reduce the number of hungry individuals in our area.”

The food drive will last from Oct. 3 to Oct. 28, during which time anyone can donate items.

Rusty Graham, also a co-director of the program, thinks the food drive is a way to make Smokey’s Pantry a more sustainable organization in the community.

“We're hoping this food drive will serve two purposes: stock the pantry up on food and supplies for the semester and develop/enhance existing relationships with organizations in the community,” Graham said.

FISH Hospitality Pantries is the main supplier of Smokey’s Pantry, but Graham hopes next month’s food drive will connect the greater Knoxville community with their cause.

“We want to get the community more involved in the pantry, so we decided to host a food drive to get community organizations, campus ministries, campus organizations and local churches involved in Smokey’s Pantry,” Graham said.

Donated items will be sorted based on point values. Those with the highest points will be recognized at the end of the food drive and given a gift basket full of items from local businesses. The point values are based on the donated items and are as follows: 10 points for bottled water, feminine hygiene products, full size mouthwash and full size toothpaste and five points for packs of razors, boxed crackers, granola bars, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, deodorant, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner and soap. While any canned food items are worth one point.

On average, Smokey’s Pantry serves around 100 people each week. The pantry is open to all UT students, faculty, staff and members of the Knoxville community every Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Tyson House located on campus, UT’s Lutheran and Episcopalian Campus Ministry.

Durham and Graham had the idea for a food drive as a means to serve the UT and greater Knoxville community. Durham was originally hired at Smokey’s Pantry Operations an intern last August, but she quickly moved up to co-director of the organization along with Graham.

Organizers ask that all donations be turned into Smokey’s Pantry during the week of Oct. 24 through Oct. 28 between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Any organizations/individuals unable to drop off donations during that time should contact Rachel at to make other arrangements.

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