LONG BEACH (CBSLA.com) The establishment of a food pantry is normally not newsworthy.
Pantries are opened all the time to help feed the homeless or needy families.
A new pantry on the college on the campus of Cal State Long Beach is making news.
A storage closet there has been converted into a pantry.
Shelves are stocked with stuff college kids have long feasted on — chili, tuna, beans, oatmeal. (What? No Ramen noodles?) The food comes from the school’s student government, as well as the local charity Food Finders.
A recent survey of students in the Cal State system said as many as 23 percent could be defined as “food insecure.”
In the two weeks the pantry has been open, officials said about 30 students have visited.
At Cal State Long Beach, university officials are hoping that their Student Emergency Intervention and Wellness Program — that intervenes with extra food and housing — will help any students in crisis with an emphasis on keeping them in school.
For now, the pantry features non-perishable items — mostly canned goods and fruit juices. They hope to expand soon to the ability to also stock items like meats and vegetables.
For more information about Food Finders, call (562) 283-1400.