A local charity is tackling the growing problem of child hunger in the area.
Pantry Plus More will hold a fundraiser Friday at the Monongalia County Courthouse to collect food and funds. The pantry provides students with meals they may not normally get outside of school.
The charity is currently active in four schools in Monongalia County, and also provides students with other essential items such as clothes and hygiene products.
Each pantry is completely anonymous, so students seeking help may do so without feeling any social pressure. Moreover, students may go there at anytime for food or other items on an as-needed basis.
Roark Sizemore, one of the co-founders of Pantry Plus More, said most food banks don’t reach out to children, specifically, making this program stand out more compared to others of its kind.
"(Pantry Plus More) is easy to access and (students) get what they need," he said. "They can go there whenever."
Food banks require a 45 day waiting period in between visits, making them inconvenient for those in immediate need.
Sizemore’s goal is to expand Pantry Plus More to all 21 public schools in Mon County.
"We want to hit as many kids as possible," he said.
Sizemore also hopes his charity expands across the state.
"We would love to be able to do that," he said.
But, while that expansion is the ultimate goal, an issue lies in the organization relying solely on donations.
In order to expand to the remaining 17 schools in Mon County and the state alike, Pantry Plus More would need a steadier stream of donations.
Currently in Mon County about 2,570 students experience hunger regularly, and approximately 4,178 could qualify for free or reduced priced meals, according to Empty Bowl Monongalia’s Hunger Statistics. Students who suffer from hunger generally do not perform as well academically, and tend to miss several days of school monthly.
The Mon County Courthouse is located at 243 High Street, and the collection will run from 5:30 p.m.-7:30pm.
Non-perishable foods and hygiene products, as well as cash and check donations, will be accepted.
Sizemore encourages anyone interested to come out and help.
Any questions should be directed to pantryplusmore@gmail.com.