Created on: Tuesday,August 30 12:23 AM
Last modified: Tuesday,August 30 6:50 AM
Westwood adds Pantry Plus More Store
The Dominion Post
WESTOVER — Students at Westwood Middle School in need of food, toiletries or other supplies can now get them just down the hall from their classrooms.
The school unveiled its new pantry Aug. 29 afternoon, marking the fourth school to participate in the Pantry Plus More Store, a new program in which students can get what they need without worry of being singled out because it’s all kept confidential with school counselors.
The pantries are overseen by school staff but are run by students, providing an opportunity for them to work as leaders.
Eighth grader Avante Neal said he was determined to help make the pantry and success. He already had some ideas to improve it, such as including more tissues, bottled water and even medicine to help those students who get sick during the school year.
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