For 15 years Christian Ministries has hosted walks to raise money for the endeavour.
This year Christian Ministries, located at 401 East Main Street in downtown Muncie, have decided to host a walk entirely on their own called “The Steps For Hunger”.
“We’re looking to raise awareness and money to combat hunger here in Delaware County,” said John A. Young, a walker connected to the church.
The “Steps For Hunger” walk took place on Oct. 13, beginning at the local Hazelwood Christian Church, through the village and edge of campus before ending back at Hazelwood.
Walkers were encouraged to donate, and those that didn’t walk could sponsor those that did.
The walk was previously known as the “Crop Walk” which Christian Ministries did with Church World Service, a much larger organization.
“We had done this walk for several years with 75 percent of the money donated going to Church World Service for world hunger efforts, and 25 percent coming back to our food pantry. We decided this year we would start our own walk, Steps for Hunger, and keep 75 percent of the funds for our food pantry to help fight hunger locally, but still give 25 percent to Church World Service for world hunger efforts,” wrote Smith in an email.
The walk was organized by Christian Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to working for social benefit through emergency assistance through programs such as the Mary Jane Luick Trust Committee that helps elderly woman. The organization was started in 1945 by pastors looking to help Muncie and Delaware County, and accepts volunteers year round.
“Our goal is to raise $5000 for Christian Ministries food pantry and have 150 walkers,” Andrea Smith, Executive Director of Chrsitian Ministries, said via email.
The proceeds raised by the walk will be used for the food pantry. The food pantry is open for days a week Tuesday 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday through Friday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every week. Donations of items that are in low supply such as meat, milk, and eggs are encouraged.
“Our hope is to continue to raise awareness about how many families need food assistance in our community. Just yesterday, Oct. 8, we served 45 families in our food pantry. A typical day is 20 to 25 families, but when it starts to turn colder and during the holidays we can see upwards of 60 to 65 families a day,” Smith said in an email.
According to their press release the food pantry fed “4,450 families and 12,266 individuals” and “the food pantry received 18,952 donated food items” last year. Christian Ministries offers other forms of humanitarian aid through their family shelters.The website list “Sheets, bankets, towels and toiletries” as sought after donations.
Contact Jaden Hasse with comments at jdhasse@bsu.edu or on Twitter @HasseJaden.