St. Philip’s Help Yourself Shelf Food Pantry will be hosting its Thanksgiving week pantry day on 4:30-6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27, for a grab and go event. Components of a Thanksgiving meal will be the major offerings of the week. The pantry will be back to its normally scheduled day the following week on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 5 p.m.
The pantry is thanking the Wiscasset Rod and Gun Club, Wiscasset Elementary School, the town of Wiscasset, the First Congregational Church of Wiscasset, Big Al and all who donate items and funds to aid the Help Yourself Shelf’s objective of supporting food insecure people’s ability to have a happy Thanksgiving.
In anticipation of the Christmas holiday season, the Shelf is gathering new and gently used toys with a special focus on—but not limited to—outdoor activities to help pantry attendees provide presents for their families. Any who would like to aid this effort should send monetary donations to St. Philip’s, 12 Hodge St., Wiscasset, 04578, call the church office at 882-7184 for more information, or drop off the items clearly identified for the Help Yourself Shelf Christmas pantry prior to Dec. 19 pantry when the items will be disbursed.
The pantry is located at 12 Hodge St., Wiscasset.
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