Mobile food pantry offers free food before Thanksgiving - - News 4

Mobile food pantry offers free food before Thanksgiving - - News 4
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BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — As many families are getting ready to prepare for Thanksgiving dinner, some aren’t able to put much food on the table. A local group hopes to change that with a food pantry on wheels this holiday season.

“We have a lot of food, cans, string beans, corn, sweet potatoes,” said Lenny Lane, founder of Buffalo F.A.T.H.E.R.S.

Frank Nelson is grabbing what he can to help prepare Thanksgiving dinner for his family.

“It’s a blessing, a lot of people unfortunately have stuff to purchase, so you can come up here and feed your family,” said Frank Nelson.

From canned corn, to even new sneakers, it’s part of a new mobile food pantry. All of the food was donated to the Buffalo F.A.T.H.E.R.S. which stands for ‘Fathers Armed Together to Help Education, Restore and Save Lives.’ Volunteers set up shop on the corner for anyone to take what they need — all for free. They even raffled off turkeys.

“For those who go without, these people make sure that you have it you know and that’s a blessing for everyone,” said Kim who lives in Buffalo.

The group specifically chooses areas, known as a food desert, with no nearby grocery store.

“I mean we have a Dollar Tree but it doesn’t provide the things that you really need as far as food. It’s a good thing, but we do need a supermarket for whoever’s listening,” said Kim.

Buffalo F.A.T.H.E.R.S. founder Lenny Lane says food can get expensive especially around the holidays and this can help take the stress away for families.

“Vegetable soup, progressive soup 2.50, two dollars and fifty cents and a lot of families don’t have that, so you know what we are giving all that for free today,” said Lane.

And many people say they’re thankful, as this food pantry is helping them beyond their Thanksgiving meal, but for many meals to come.

“Actually it helps you out for everyday, not just Thanksgiving but everyday you have food is a good day,” said Kim.

If you missed the mobile pantry Wednesday, there are other chances to get food. The Plate of Love Soup Kitchen is open Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. and Saturday at 9:30 a.m. It’s located on Glenwood Avenue.

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