Little Giants' Care Food Pantry: “Anybody can come in” -

Little Giants' Care Food Pantry: “Anybody can come in” -

Canton, Ill. (WEEK) – Canton High School is celebrating the opening of their Little Giants’ Care Food Pantry. It all started with some school employees creating a cart for personal hygiene items. They had everything from deodorant and toothpaste to extra clothes for students.

“As we talked to the kids and learned their stories, we found out that they needed much more than just personal hygiene items,” said Health teacher Stacey Murphy. “Many of them were lacking in food.”

So Murphy and paraprofessional Kelsey Emberton decided to start bringing in food starting with the small cart. Today the Little Giants’ Care Food Pantry fills an entire room with help from the community and other students. Graham Hospital donated the shelves.

“Our production tech from the high school, our students helped put them in,” Emberton.

“Anybody can come in. We don’t care if you’re in need or not. If you’re hungry, you can come in,” said Murphy.

When students come in, they can take a bag and walk around the room just like they are shopping at a store. The only rule is take one of any item so there is plenty left for other students. The pantry is open every school day.

But there is also an option for anyone needing food going into the weekend. Canton’s First Baptist Church helps fill weekend buddy bags.

“Every week the buddy bags are delivered to us and we go seventh hour to deliver the buddy bags to the student lockers. So when they open their locker at the end of the day, the buddy bag is there ready to go home with them,” said Murphy.

And the pantry is growing with help from a group in Iowa. Murphy says they will be able to purchase more food from them at a reduced cost along with free fruits and vegetables, an opportunity they can’t pass up for the students.

“Today I got a hug and we always get thank yous. So it makes me feel really good that I can help other people in need,” said Murphy.

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