God's Pantry Food Bank helps feed 500 families for Thanksgiving - WYMT News

God's Pantry Food Bank helps feed 500 families for Thanksgiving - WYMT News

LAUREL COUNTY, Ky (WYMT) - In Kentucky 1 in 6 people are unsure of where their next meal will come from. On Monday God's Pantry Food Bank in London helped feed 500 families by distributing Thanksgiving boxes to low or fixed-income families.

"This place here is a blessing," said Karen Arnold who went for the second year in a row to help feed her family of six. "And my son's birthday is on Turkey Day."

In Laurel County, it is the second year for giving out boxes from the London Distribution and the first year for building the boxes in-house.

Ashley Williams, Warehouse Team Leader, says it makes you feel good knowing a family has a full meal on Thanksgiving. "Just to know how many people that are touched by what we do and you know that are reached, I think it is pretty cool that I get to have a job helping people."

Williams has worked at God's Pantry for three years now. "We serve roughly 13 counties with 60 partner agencies. With those combined we help feed 150-200 each week," said Williams.

"It is hard to make it month to month, you know food is so high," said Debbie Inman.

Not only is she feeding her family but she takes care of her grandchild. "This place says God's Food Pantry and that is what I thank God for. Is a food pantry like this."

Cars began lining up at 7:30 a.m. Monday morning even though distribution did not begin until 9 a.m. Each car receives a turkey, a bag of onions and potatoes, butter, eggs and a box with nonperishable sides and fixings.

"I've been there where them ladies are at and I'm here today," said Arnold. "You know treat others as you want to be treated. And without that being in your heart and in your mind nobody would be giving us anything."

For those who could not come and get their boxes they were delivered.

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