Food Pantry update - The Bethel Citizen

Food Pantry update - The Bethel Citizen

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BETHEL — Starting in December, the Bethel Food Pantry will be open the first Wednesday of each month. Hours will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Pantry is located at the Nazarene Church at 16 Church Street in Bethel. The main entry (side entrance) has a large sign saying “Bethel Food Pantry” and is located on the Park Street side of the building.

The 31-year-old operation serves 13 towns, largely because of the many people who lend a hand.

On Sunday, Nov. 24 at 2 p.m. turkey baskets will be available at the pantry. Sunday River donated 50 turkeys. The baskets are first come, first serve.

The main goal of any pantry is to reach as many underserved people as possible.

People can reach the pantry by calling 824-0369. To donate, send funds to Bethel Food Pantry, P.O. Box 232, Bethel 04217.

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