NEW ORLEANS--In a city known worldwide for it's fine restaurants and dining, it seems odd that we would have so many hungry citizens needing to be fed.
That need is growing, and working to feed those in need is The New Orleans Food Pantry.
Betty Thomas, Director of the Pantry says, "We opened our doors in October of 2013 and we broke the record for 2019."
At the Pantry they feed hundreds of residents with hot meals daily, and they provide commodities to ta home to feed NOLA families.
"We're just filling a gap in between them having to make a choice between paying rent or buying food, buying medicine or buying food," said Thomas.
The need is great but you can help by donating to the Pantry or attending this week's Giving Hope Gala at the Hyatt Regency. The gala is the annual fundraiser of the pantry.
According to Thomas, "Its our biggest fundraiser of the year. It's spectacular. It's something I invite everyone to come and see. We have a lot of different programs. The Food Pantry is our flagship because we serve so many people, but I guarantee you anybody that comes to this gala, something is going to touch their hearts."
Click here for more information on the New Orleans Food Pantry and the Giving Hope Gala.