Editor of the Reformer,
This year's Deerfield Valley Food Pantry annual bike ride was the most successful one yet! Nearly $4900 was raised to help support our mission, helping families in the Deerfield Valley meet their basic food needs.
Many, many thanks to the Valley View Saloon for their sponsorship and support in making our 9th annual bike ride so successful — we couldn't have done it without you! Thank you too, to Harpoon, Reinhart Food Service, Love, Tito's, The Richards Group, W&B Property Management, Southworth Electrical, Inc. and Jay's Firewood & Tree Service for their sponsorship; the over 50 individuals and local businesses who donated items for our raffle and to the 136 persons who participated in our ride--thank you, thank you, thank you!
We truly appreciate everyone's support.
Deb Boyd
Deerfield Valley Food Pantry, Inc.
Wilmington, Oct. 6
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