Shelby's FISH food pantry served 920 individuals in 3rd quarter - Richland Source

Shelby's FISH food pantry served 920 individuals in 3rd quarter - Richland Source

SHELBY – During July, August, and September 2019, the local FISH Food Pantry served a total of 920 individuals – an increase of 8 percent over the same quarter in 2018. Included in this number are:

· Food assistance: 732 adults and children.

· Emergency food assistance: 121 adults and children.

“From Proverbs 11:25, we read, ‘A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water,’” stated a FISH volunteer. “FISH thanks the greater Shelby community’s for its ongoing generosity over the years. With everyone’s support, FISH can help our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity.”

The pantry provides food assistance to Shelby City School District residents on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. In May it became a pantry of choice: clients now “shop” and choose those items they want for themselves and their families.

FISH accepts both financial gifts and donations of nonperishable food, personal hygiene items, and cleaning supplies.

Organized 48 years ago in 1971, The FISH of Shelby, Inc. operates the food pantry that serves residents of the Shelby City School District. It is located in the Shelby Help Line Ministries building at 29½ Walnut Street (Rear). Its Facebook page can be found at “FISH of Shelby.”

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