Fairfield Food Pantry September Report | State - Fairfield Sun Times

Fairfield Food Pantry September Report | State - Fairfield Sun Times

During the month of September Fairfield Food Pantry donations came from: Lydia Pope, Brooklyn Etzwiler, Sandi Oveson, Jimmie Henry, Haven Murphy, Fairfield Drug, Jill Barta, Kari Christensen, Julie Wood, R & L Grocery, Fairfield Chamber of Commerce, Karen King, Stacey Peterson, Phil Maxwell, Lori Alzheimer, Logan Clark, Alan Gagne, and Darryl L. Flowers.

Volunteers were Alan Gagne, Trase Caffyn, Cathy Anderson, Taylor Bolkcom, Candy Rapp, Mike May, Luke Camphouse, and Robert Anderson.

The Pantry served 10 senior citizens, 11 adults, and 13 kids. We requested a need for a teenage girl for pants and shoes and that need was met. We also had a need for a vacuum cleaner that was also met!

We are always in need of frozen meats and toiletries.

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If you need assistance, would like to make a donation or would like to volunteer, contact Megan Caffyn at 590-3150 or Chelsea Schilling at 781-1285.

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