Empty shelves at Salvation Army Food Pantry need your donations - WWAY NewsChannel 3

Empty shelves at Salvation Army Food Pantry need your donations - WWAY NewsChannel 3
Tuesday afternoon, the Salvation Army pantry is mostly empty. (Photo: Monique Robinson/WWAY)

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — The Salvation Army’s food pantry is pretty much empty, which makes the annual WWAY One Day Blitz necessary to help feed families across the Cape Fear.

“This is the big food drive that fills that food pantry that will take us for food from the day at Krispy Kreme together all the way through the mid part of the summer,” Major Mark Craddock said.

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Craddock says these donations support many meals through various programs.

“This food pantry will feed 30,000 meals in the coming year so those are all the food boxes that are packed together for families through our Social Services, through our food basket assistance and some of that will also go to our feeding kitchen for our soup line meals,” Craddock said.

With these food pantry programs being year-round, he says it’s normal to need to restock again around this time.

Craddock adds help is already on board to get the donated items from Thursday’s event shipped out to families by Monday.

“We have a group of volunteers from Calvary Christian School,” Craddock said. “They’re coming with about 50 of their students and teachers and they’re going to be in this warehouse where they will sort all this out, pack it into food boxes and put it on the shelves ready for distribution.”

Craddock calls it a win for everyone. After donating five canned food items, you can walk away with a dozen donuts and a family is fed.

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