Clark County Food Pantry Helps Families in Need
By Denise Shannon
The Clark County Food Pantry would like to let everyone know that they are here to help the people in Clark County.
“The Clark County Food Pantry is a volunteer organization run by the people of Clark County, for the people of Clark County, totally ran by volunteers. The food is donated by people and food drives, and the Food Pantry has been going for years and it is a 501C3 operation, meaning anything that is donated can be tax deductible if it is over $100.00 and I just give them a receipt at the end of the year with something stating that nothing was given in exchange for this donation, and they can count it off of their taxes, said Allys Murphy, Treasurer.”
The Food Pantry is located in the alley behind H&M Antiques. There will be a big sign up above the garage door soon.
People that are a part of the Food Pantry include President Mike Murphy, Vice-President Dee Justice, Secretary Kathy Lucas, Treasurer Allys Murphy, Warehouse Chairman Jeannie Ray, three board trustees, and all of the other volunteers that take their time to help them.
“The Food Pantry works with many different people within the community to help those who are in need,” said Murphy.
“H&M Antiques has been a big sponsor for the Food Pantry to run out of. There is the Share the Harvest Program that the Department of Conservation shares deer meat; Larry Young with the Kahoka Meat Locker helps by processing the deer, and he also stores the meat for the Food Pantry. The Welcome Inn has provided items as well such as pillows, and sheets, and bedspreads. The Lion’s Club last year donated $1,000 to help with the purchase of the turkeys for the Thanksgiving Dinners, Mac’s Super Saver ordered the turkeys and provided the space to distribute the turkeys, The First Christian Church donated the space to distribute the Thanksgiving Dinners. Peaksville Church buys potatoes that go in the dinner, other churches donate canned goods for the dinners,” said Murphy,
“Something else that takes place with the Food Pantry is at Christmas time, at the Senior Center, there is a Christmas Dinner provided. Exchange Bank buys the food, Steve Howell cooks the food, the Food Pantry does the volunteer seating and feeding, and the churches each donate deserts. Anyone that is going to be along on Christmas or that don’t have any place to go, can come in and have Christmas lunch with us, or there are people that give food to shut-ins as well,” said Murphy
If there are emergencies where someone should need food and basic items, the Clark County Food Pantry is there to help. There is no limit on income, or amount in household or anything like that. All of the local agencies, such as the Department of Social Services, the local Police Department, and the local Fire Department, the Sheriff, and the churches help if they see someone in need, and they get ahold of the Food Pantry
If someone is having a hard time trying to get ahead, the Food Pantry here to help. They do not want you to be afraid to ask for it. Just last month, 61 families were helped.
“There are many different things that they give: deer meat, cereal, pasta, spaghetti sauces, rice sometimes, if they have it on occasion, canned ravioli, diced tomatoes, pudding, jello, hamburger helper, chili, hash, juice, and sometimes cakes if they are donated and other stuff as well. They have other items that they give, such as toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and conditioner, laundry detergent, sometimes deodorant if they have it. If people want to be clean, the Food Pantry would gladly help them, said Murphy.
“We ask no questions of the people except proof that they live in Clark County, and proof can be a utility bill or driver’s license something like that, we take them at their word that they need assistance, that’s it, said Murphy”
A person just needs to go to the Food Pantry and speak with someone there or needs to get the numbers off of the door, so they can get ahold of someone from the Food Pantry if they would like help.
The Food Pantry is open two times a week, on Monday and Thursday and they open up at 10 a.m. and close at noon. They are not open on holidays.
Families can get a big box once a month and they fill the box with things they can use but, the family can get deer meat as much as they need it. The Food Pantry also works with the Clark County Ministerial Association and they help with providing a voucher that helps to get milk, bread, eggs, and stick margarine for people as well.
Donations to the Food Pantry have come from many sources. Individually, people can donate. Churches have done food drives, grade school classes have held contests to see who can raise the most, and even the unions in Keokuk hold “Games for Hunger” to donate to food pantries in the tri-state area.
Should anyone want to donate to the Food Pantry, there are a couple of drop boxes set up. One is at Mac’s Super Saver and the other is at the Senior Center. They also have a can out by the Food Pantry for donations.
If anyone should want to donate monetary donations, they can give it to Allys Murphy at the Food Pantry or send it to her at Allys Murphy, 25998 Highway C, Revere, Mo 63465.