What’s Working: Prodisee Pantry prepared to help thousands - WKRG News 5

What’s Working: Prodisee Pantry prepared to help thousands - WKRG News 5

SPANISH FORT, Ala. (WKRG) — In tonight’s What’s Working, News 5 has reported that many people locally have donated relief supplies to the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian. One local food pantry is prepared to help should a disaster strike. Each week nearly 200 volunteers at Prodisee Pantry in Spanish Fort prepare boxes of food for hundreds of families in Baldwin County.

Prodisee Pantry has food stacked up to ceilings. The organization provides meals for nearly 300 families per week. Director Deanne Servos says her non-profit has stepped in during every major disaster including the oil spill. They have hurricane ice packs ready and extra supplies on hand.

“Our warehouse is full. During hurricane season we ramp up and try to fill the entire facility. At full capacity we can hold 380 pallets of food,” Servos said.

Prodisee holds hurricanes drills once a year, filling boxes and setting up relief stations in the parking lot.

Servos says the pantry helped over 13,000 families last year and has assisted during every major disaster. They do not receive government funds.

Prodisee Pantry is holding a fundraiser on September 15th from 5-9PM at Guido’s in Daphne. People are asked to bring canned goods. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to the pantry.

Also, volunteers are preparing for the 2019 Turkey Trot on October 26th. Each registration fee goes to buy a Thanksgiving turkey for hungry families. The Trot is a 5K or a one-mile fun run.

For more information about Prodisee Pantry, follow this link.

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