ABERDEEN – During Sept. 3’s board of aldermen meeting, Sheraton Crosby made a plea for volunteers to help at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, saying the need is extremely urgent. Professionally, Crosby is the director of the Aberdeen School District’s parent center.
“I’ve been volunteering, our students have been volunteering. I just want to solicit all churches, all community leaders, if you’re able to lend a hand. They desperately need your help,” she said.
Crosby said approximately 400 families are provided for from the food distribution each month. To help accommodate, volunteers are needed to work for no charge for distribution days towards the latter part of each month.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry Director Lloyd Massey said after the meeting approximately 20 volunteers are needed from 7:30 until 10:30 a.m. the fourth Saturday of each month, and five people are needed from 8 a.m. until noon the Friday before then for senior distribution day.
People interested in volunteering at the food pantry may call Massey at 304-2003 or 813-3500.
In school-related matters, Crosby said the GED is being offered for anyone in need beyond just students, and the school is working on its first yearbook in eight years. She later added there are Aberdeen High School yearbooks for sale for $10 a piece ranging in different years from 1948 to 2011 at the parent center.
In other business, the board approved to authorize an application to pursue grant money to complete the ongoing M&O Depot project.
Aberdeen Historic Preservation Commission Chairperson Kathy Seymour appeared before the board at its last meeting about pursuing funding, and aldermen approved for a grant proposal to be written.
“They have completed a cost estimate and they’re going to ask for what they think it would cost to finish the building. They plan to make an application for $360,000. The city’s portion would be $72,000,” said city clerk Jackie Benson.
Benson said some funding has been set aside for the city’s 2020 budget, but the bulk of the city’s portion, if the grant is awarded, would be from the 2021 budget.
The board approved to advertise for bids for two small city-owned lots alongside James Street. An adjoining property owner expressed interest last year in purchasing them, and the legal options are to advertise for bids or get two appraisals. The price of the appraisals could cost as much as the lots are worth.
During an executive session, aldermen addressed another matter regarding the potential sale of city-owned property at the Prairie Industrial Site, but no action was taken when the meeting went back into open session. Following executive session, the board approved to lease the Aberdeen Sportsplex to Charles Scott for an event Oct. 19.
During public input, Kirk Marcussen, who lives alongside North Thayer Avenue, shared his concerns with a drainage issue and traffic associated with the skating rink in his neighborhood.
Another citizen who lives near the intersection of Highway 25 and Meridian Street asked for police patrol for when the school bus picks up and drops off her child from school, saying traffic doesn’t stop for the bus. She spoke to Aberdeen Police Chief Henry Randle about the issue.