Spotlight on Amory - Food pantry - WTVA

Spotlight on Amory - Food pantry - WTVA

Speech to Text for Spotlight on Amory - Food pantry

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amory food pantry director) nat sound "people just come together and support each other in amory." a volunteer at the amory food pantry for eight years now, elizabeth saylors says she's the caller. "we give them certain choices and it's written on a piece of paper that i have and i call that out..." nat sound and from there volunteers work together...from the waiting room, to the screening area, to where the food is kept...making sure their community is fed. "it's a fun time but it's also a sad time because you see a lot of things that unless you work here you probably wouldn't be aware of the hunger and stuff that's in monroe county and amory." "regardless of their situation, the families arrive at the pantry broken and needing help." director nancy hoang says they receive monetary and food assistance from several local businesses, churches, private donations and more. adding...although they're only open tuesdays, alot happens throughout the week to prepare for this day. "it's not a one man show at all. it's truly teamwork and we're just sort of a family and it just all comes together." now these volunteers collect the food, they pack it and they prepare it for each of amory food pantry's clients and if you're interested, you can become one too. "we don't actually have a number to the pantry. the best way is to come by tuesday morning and leave your contact information and someone can get back with you." "you know, you can be kind of feeling down and come...and look! people like bill that's always going to cheer you up so...but it's a good

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