Once a small food pantry, Frisco Family Services has spent 25 years growing with the city - Dallas News

Once a small food pantry, Frisco Family Services has spent 25 years growing with the city - Dallas News

When Frisco Family Services first opened its doors in February 1994, the community it serves was much, much smaller.

Two-and-a-half decades later, Frisco's population has grown from 11,785 to an estimated 189,562 people, according to U.S. Census data and city estimates, and the once-small food pantry has expanded to meet demand. 

"It's been so exciting to see not only how the community has grown, but how we as an organization have grown," said Nicole Bursey, who has served as Frisco Family Services' executive director for the last 13 years. "We've continued to really make ourselves relevant and be what the community needs us to be so we're not stuck in 25 years ago. As we've needed to change, we have."

The nonprofit organization now provides services for senior citizens and holds summer lunch programs for kids who would normally be getting free and reduced lunch if school were in session. They are also planning to construct a new building to create a campus for community members seeking help, Bursey said.

"When you think about families who are in need or are in crisis, they have many different needs," she said. "So while some may be coming to us for food initially, there are other things that they are dealing with. ... We look at as a continuum of care that we're able to provide to families, so when they come in to us, you can tell in a lot of instances they feel hopeless, but when they walk out of the office and have talked to a case manager, you can see that hope come back."

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