LANSING, Mich. (WILX) -- Homeless families, senior citizens, students and even animals are benefiting from tiny pantries throughout Michigan.
Tiny pantries are popping up all over Michigan all thanks to a local organization.
"Somebody is going to eat today because we put food out in these pantries," said Denise Lafave Smith an owner of tiny pantry.
These pantries are popping up all over Michigan thanks to the local organization, Cardboard Prophets.
"My reason for putting (a tiny pantry) here is because no person should go hungry," said Clarence Walker.
Denise Lafave Smith says everyone can help do their part.
"If everybody started stocking pantries there would be more people who could eat."
Cardboard Prophets started the Tiny Pantry Project in 2018 and now have 56 tiny pantries in Michigan.
There is even one specifically for animals.
"If you have extra pet supplies, it's fine if there used bring them in," said Paula Webb a volunteer at for Animal Control Community Outreach Center.
To see all the tiny pantry locations and for more information about how you can get involved click on the link below,
-Cardboard Prophets
-Tiny Pantry Network