The Monroe Food Pantry is restocking for July, and is in need of donations to refill its shelves.
The Monroe Food Pantry is restocking for July, and is in need of donations to refill its shelves.
The Monroe Food Pantry is restocking for July, and is in need of donations to refill its shelves.
The Monroe Food Pantry is restocking for July, and is in need of donations to refill its shelves.
MONROE — The Monroe Food Pantry is in need of multiple items for the month of July. The facility is asking for donations of the following:
*Canned fruit — apple sauce, mandarin oranges, peaches, diced pineapple, sliced pineapple
*Canned vegetables — mixed vegetables, sauerkraut, sweet potatoes/yams, low sodium black beans
*Condensed soup — low sodium chicken noodle, clam chowder
*Low sodium broth/stock — vegetable, chicken, beef
*Canned chicken
*Low sodium canned marinara sauce
*Low sodium crushed tomatoes
*Crushed tomates
*Italian bread crumbs
*Pancake mix
*Packaged foods — instant potatoes, Hamburger Helper, Knorr Pasta/Rice sides, Pastaroni
*Condiments — ketchup, pancake syrup, sugar free pancake syrup
*Beverages — ground coffee, apple juice, cranberry juice, low sodium V8
*Toiletries — bar soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, etc.
Food donations can be received during regular business hours or left in the red bin on the left side of the food pantry after hours. Monetary donations and gifts cards can be received at the food pantry during business hours, mailed to 7 Fan Hill Road Monroe CT 06468 or left at the Monroe Senior Center, 235 Cutlers Farm Road.
The food pantry is open 2 to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday. For details on requested items, call 203-452-2817 or email kturner@monroect.org.