By Roxanne Schick
Special to The PREVIEW
We are moving the Immaculate Heart of Mary/Pope John Paul II Food Pantry, effective June 12, from the building adjacent to the Parish Hall on Lewis Street to our new location, which is part of the new addition to Pope John Paul II Catholic Church at 353 S. Pagosa Blvd.
The entrance is on the north side of the church and new addition.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary/Pope John Paul II Food Pantry has been in existence since 2004. At that time, there was only a small need for food as we were giving out only three to four boxes a week. We have found that every year since then, there has been a growing need for food and all the food pantries in town have experienced this growth. In 2018, we gave out 1,556 boxes for a total of 4,872 people, which represents 18,672 meals.
We hope that we have provided for those in need and will continue to do our part to ensure that no one in Archuleta County goes without food.
We welcome anyone who is hungry, for we are our brother’s and sister’s keeper. Our hours will remain 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesdays.
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