Mobile Food Pantry set for June 21 on Easy Street - Elk Valley Times

Mobile Food Pantry set for June 21 on Easy Street - Elk Valley Times

Hands of Mercy’s next Mobile Food Pantry will be held Friday, June 21, at the Hands of Mercy Outreach Center.

While the pantry has customarily been held at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, the upcoming Mobile Food Pantry will be held at Hands of Mercy Outreach Center, located at 101 Easy Street in Fayetteville, said Tina Hudson, who heads the outreach effort.

Persons and or families wishing to benefit from the Mobile Food Pantry will need to pre-register and schedule a pick-up time. There will be no sign-ups the day of the distribution.

Persons can pre-register at Hands of Mercy on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., beginning this week. You will need to bring with you proof of Lincoln County residency to pre-register.

“Distribution times on June 21 will begin at 10:15 a.m., and it will be drive-through at the time of distribution,” Hudson said. “We will distribute from back of our building, and persons will need to line-up on Easy Street.”

Anyone interested in volunteering to assist at the event is asked to please call 931-433-4263 for additional information.

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