Remember the saying 'Milk does a body good' I grew up on lots of milk and cereal. Milking a cow this Saturday in Harvard. Milk helps make bones strong and gives you lots of the vitamins you need on a daily basis. But what if you couldn't afford milk for your growing children? The Rock River Valley pantry does a lot for the community here. Milk is really a luxury for some and the Rock River Valley Pantry distributes almost 400 gallons of it a week according to Most of the milk goes to the children but the rest goes to adults that are over 65 years of age.
The milk program at the pantry costs them $15,000 per year. To help, they set up a Go-Fund-Me campaign. Every Tuesday the Pantry receives a delivery of hundreds of gallons but this week there were nothing but empty crates. They are currently working to get the milk in as soon as humanly possible, but it looks like some of the families there will have to go without for a bit.
If you would like to help, you can go to a local retailer and buy milk and bring it to them but just make sure the milk caps are still sealed. The Pantry said that only $5 will provide milk for up to four families. If you would like to donate, here is the link to their Go-Fund-Me page. I am actually milking a cow in Harvard Saturday but it just won't be nearly enough.