Jefferson food pantry receives 700 pounds of non-perishable food - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

Jefferson food pantry receives 700 pounds of non-perishable food - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

The Jefferson Area Community Food Pantry received more than 700 pounds of non perishable food from area residents who donated through the US Postal Service Food Drive May 11.

All those in need of help providing food for themselves, their families or know of someone in need, the pantry is open from 4 to 5:30 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at St. Giles Episcopal Church, 72 Gardiner Road, in Jefferson.

Those who would like to make a monetary donation, make check payable to St. Giles Episcopal Church, and mail to P.O. Box 34, Jefferson, ME 04348 and write JACFP in the memo line.

For more information, call 315-1134.

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