University of Michigan-Flint opens new food pantry -
By Jake May | | Posted April 16, 2019 at 03:17 PM | Updated April 16, 2019 at 06:13 PM
FLINT, MI -- Otrude Moyo recalls a University of Michigan-Flint student going an entire week without food after being listed as ineligible to get food from local pantries due to her younger age.
Moyo, chair of the social work department at UM-Flint, knew this was unacceptable. She started a group of students that began to take action. Four years later, more than 30 students have helped open a food pantry accessible to students at the downtown Flint campus.
More than 50 people gathered to witness the grand opening of the pantry Tuesday, April 16 at its third floor location at the University Center, 400 Mill St. in Flint. The pantry was named the "Wolverine Food Den," through popular vote on a campus-wide contest.
Christopher Giordano, vice chancellor for student affairs, hugs Otrude Moyo, chair of University of Michigan-Flint's social work department, as the two feel a sense of accomplishment after the grand opening of the food pantry at UM-Flint in downtown Flint. The Food Pantry is a "by students -- for students" initiative. Since 2016-2017, more than 30 students have worked to help get the pantry open. (Jake May |
In 2015, social work students surveyed 182 students about food insecurity. The results of the survey showed 58 percent either skipped or missed a meal each day because of the lack of food availability. That’s when the idea for this pantry was born.
“This food pantry is really personal, as there are many students that go day-to-day without food. We cannot go without food. These students said, ‘We need to do something about this,’ and did just that,” Moyo said. “They made it possible. Social work students are such a caring bunch, and they have shepherded this program to become a reality.”
Jake May |
UM-Flint’s Chancellor Sue Borrego said this pantry was born from an never-faltered attitude to see it through to fruition – for students, by students.
The pantry was initially started as an undergraduate final project, and four years later has become a reality, she said.
“Students had an idea and didn’t give up. When they were told no or the funding was light, they followed through,” Borrego said. “We know that students suffer from a lack of food. … This food pantry can help ease food insecurities that our students face.”
Students listen on during the grand opening of the food pantry at UM-Flint in downtown Flint. The Food Pantry is a "by students -- for students' initiative. Since 2016-2017, more than 30 students have worked to help get the pantry open. (Jake May |
Multiple student organizations and social work clubs continue to collaborate to make this possible, including intern assignments and coordinating volunteers and food distribution.
The pantry will be open 16 hours per week during the fall and winter terms, and hours will be adjusted based on need.
University of Michigan-Flint Chancellor Susan E. Borrego speaks during the grand opening of the food pantry at UM-Flint in downtown Flint. The Food Pantry is a "by students -- for students" initiative. Since 2016-2017, more than 30 students have worked to help get the pantry open. (Jake May |
The pantry is open to all registered students. Students in need can visit the pantry as many times as needed.
“The food pantry is only the beginning, and not the end of conversation to aiding food insecurities,” Moyo said.
Canned foods line some of the shelves during the grand opening of the food pantry at UM-Flint in downtown Flint. The Food Pantry is a "by students -- for students" initiative. Since 2016-2017, more than 30 students have worked to help get the pantry open. (Jake May |