HAZARD & PRESTONSBURG, Ky. (WYMT) - Food pantries are an important part of a lot of people's lives, keeping those in need from going hungry or providing other items that are used every day.

From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can drop off non-perishable food items, baby supplies or monetary donations at the ARH Medical Mall parking lot in Hazard or the Big Sandy Community and Technical College parking lot near the Science Center in Prestonsburg.
Donations in Prestonsburg will go to God’s Pantry, which operates distribution centers in Prestonsburg and London that serve hundreds of food pantries in Eastern Kentucky. Hazard donations will go to New Hope Church Emergency Food Pantry, which also is served by God’s Pantry.
WYMT is proud to join Kentucky Power, who is hosting the Power Up the Pantry event, along with Anthem Medicaid, Appalachian Regional Healthcare, the City of Hazard, the City of Prestonsburg, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Hazard Community and Technical College, God’s Pantry Food Bank and New Hope Church to take part in this initiative.
We will have coverage from both locations throughout the day on WYMT and on our social media.