I have known Todd Johnson for a number of years. Personally, I know him best from his time as president of the Tewksbury Community Pantry, where his leadership ensured our ability to better serve our fellow townsfolk most in need.
Beyond that, as a taxpayer in our beloved town, I know him as a friend and neighbor who stepped-up to service during the worst months of our national recession. I know him as a selectman who has worked tirelessly to turn around Tewksbury's financial difficulties. Todd was instrumental in hiring our current town manager, whose budget work has quietly kept our collective heads above water and whose pragmatic approach to financial decisions is reflective of Selectman Johnson's work to keep taxes low and economic growth steady.
In this community we all work together. In our search for a stronger future we all seek successful leadership. Todd Johnson is here to continue what he started. He is here to leave Tewksbury better than he found it. On April 6, I am going to vote Johnson for Selectman. I implore my fellow citizens to do the same.
Tewksbury Community Pantry