Galesburg woman setting up ‘free pantries’ - Galesburg Register-Mail

Galesburg woman setting up ‘free pantries’ - Galesburg Register-Mail

GALESBURG — Whether it’s non-perishable foods, coupons or work opportunities, Jessica Riggs wants to help Galesburg out — so she recently introduced Galesburg’s Free Pantry.

The pantry is designed after similar boxes that have popped up around the country, as well as the Little Free Libraries that can be found around Galesburg and Knoxville.

“I’ve seen the Free Libraries and stuff, so I wanted to do stuff like that,” Riggs said. “I just posted something on Facebook and it got a lot of bites back, so someone said they’d donate the pantry and build the materials.”

Since making the first post in February, the free pantry has managed to collect plenty of items, and found sympathetic voices in the community. Riggs is operating the pantry out of her workplace at Charred 51 Artisan Bar & Bistro, 51 N. Prairie St.

The staff at Charred helped in part by donating items and holding a can drive over St. Patrick's Day weekend. GloBar owner Angelica Manigieri has also been helping out, offering partial smoothie discounts to those who bring in non-perishable items. In addition, about 10 to 15 community members have come into Charred with donations.

The physical pantry is a wooden box with a windowed door and a shingled roof. Inside the door are two shelves filled with non-perishable goods like soup, soap, school supplies and shampoo. The pantry was built by community member Mark Burton with his own materials.

The box was painted by Kat Yarde. On the sides, it features hearts with the names of community members that Riggs says died too soon.

“We’ve had people continuously add names,” she said. “It just keeps growing. People have been coming here and just taking pictures of it because their significant other is on it.”

The aim of the project right now is to collect goods for the box, as well as for a second box being made by Leann Porter and Sharrell Wallace. The pantries will then be placed in the community, with the one at Charred moving to the yard of Roger Miller near Silas Willard Elementary, and another being placed by Lombard Middle School. The idea is that students or parents in need can easily have access to materials that way.

“I also want to incorporate info in there for job hirings, soup kitchens other pantries, women’s shelters, diaper coupons, formula coupons, food coupons, so I also want to put those out there,” Riggs said. “The first pantry will be over by Silas Willard with school supplies that kids can walk up and take.”

Plans are for the pantries to be up by the beginning of May, but Riggs’ plans don’t stop there. She hopes to have a third box as well that can be moved around and supported by local businesses. Businesses could potentially advertise on the box while leaving donations in it from week to week.

The pantry is still looking for donations of school supplies, non-perishable food and hygiene items. Those interested in making donations can bring them to Charred Bistro at 51 N. Prairie St. or contact “Galesburg’s Free Pantry” on Facebook.