Crater High School Food Pantry in Dire Need of Help - KDRV

Crater High School Food Pantry in Dire Need of Help - KDRV

Speech to Text for Crater High School Food Pantry in Dire Need of Help

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hey there is no judgement here this is just a place, what do you need how can we help. adam schumes: there is a pantry of sorts and its filled with food. michelle schumes: michelle grush is currently counselor at crater school -- michelle grush: i used to work at scenic middle and i just saw a need in our community. adam schumes; that need turned into the orginal food pantry -- michelle brought kids who are couch surfing and homeless don't have that basic support need and some kids are holding down two jobs. adam schumes: whiles michelle's main job is is the well being of her students ... she was in their shoes too. michelle grush: i went to 19 different high school before i graduated and we were very much in poverty growing up. adam schumes: now this senior lillian milliam lillian millam: i surfed betten wolf creek and my aunts couch and my best friends couch just trying to get through freshman year. lillian milam: i have not benefited from the food or backpacks but my friends have and it makes me feel good that they do get food. the invisiable kids -- those that people dont know their life story. [a35]crater food pantry in need-live hp ots now the food pantry is in need of food. any non off the items at crater high school at the address on your screen. anything will help. live in central point adam schumes newswatch 12

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