Cold temperatures slow Lewis County Food Pantry, Our Neighbor - WV News

Cold temperatures slow Lewis County Food Pantry, Our Neighbor - WV News

WESTON — Recent frigid temperatures have deterred some people from venturing out to seek food assistance in Lewis County.

The Lewis County Food Pantry, which is located at 240 Center Ave. in Weston, provided food to more than 200 families in January, Director Charlene Sprouse said.

“It drops off a little in the winter months, but not by much — maybe 20 families,” she said. “We’re always in need of staples: Peanut butter, cereal, beans. We give out cold cereal, and peanut butter and beans go out in every order.”

The quantity of food provided varies by family size.

Sprouse said the pantry assists one family with 11-12 members, five families with 7-8 members, 30 families with 5-6 members and 70 families with 3-4 members and 1-2 members.

Each family is able to receive food once per month.

Sprouse, who began working as a pantry aide when her aunt, the late Helen Jett, was director in 2003, said longtime recipients include elderly residents on a fixed income.

“We don’t turn anybody away. If I can get here, we’re open, and I think I’ve only missed maybe five days the entire time I’ve been here.”

Though donations are received from the Mountaineer Food Bank, private donations from residents or businesses are appreciated. Monetary donations should be made out to the Lewis County Food Pantry, since the location is also home to the Lewis County Family Resource Network.

A pair of people volunteers when the location is open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, while nearly a dozen others volunteer often.

Only a handful of federal furloughed employees received food from the Lewis County Food Pantry during the recent partial government shutdown.

The federal shutdown also did not have much effect at Our Neighbor’s emergency food pantry in Weston, said Director Sandy King said, although two large families requested assistance

King said Our Neighbor, located at 170 W. 2nd, has benefited from church and private donations of meat, laundry detergent, sugar, vegetables and Ramen the past few weeks.

“We have a lot of different churches and groups of people that collect,” King said, including Broad Street United Methodist Church in Weston.

“If we don’t have something, I’ll run out to the store and pick it up. Wednesday, I went to the store to buy butter because that’s something people don’t donate,” she said.

Our Neighbor’s emergency food pantry is open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The Lewis County Food Pantry will host its annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church’s West Hall from 5-7 p.m. March 15 to benefit operations.

Tickets are $15 each, and advanced purchase is required. Tickets can be purchased by calling 304-269-4000.

The dinner of salad greens, rolls, corned beef brisket, brazed cabbage with onions, parsley potatoes, apple dumplings and vanilla ice cream is available to go.

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